Friday, November 5, 2010

I'm In Love... And It Hurts.

I really felt the need to blog about this. Yes, I have a cute daughter and a wonderful family... but this is going to kill me.

Guys... Girls... I don't know what to do. As you may well know, Christmas is like fifty days away, or something like that. So what's on my mind? Buying presents for loved ones? No. Boots!


No word of a lie, I've looked at over 3000 boots tonight! Zappos told me so. And that doesn't include the 7 other websites I thoroughly scrutinized. (Check out! So cool.) And why am I looking at SO many boots? I'll tell you why: This boot that I love is just too darn good for me and I don't feel I deserve it (or that I don't want to have to pay above and beyond my own Christmas gift limit) I'm looking for one in my league. Which I can't find. Woe be my life.

It just teases me by saying, "Look at my gorgeous, buttery leather. My soul (or sole -whatever) molds to your beautiful foot. I could go with ANYTHING!" And then adds, while smirking, "But I'm too exorbitant for you." Oh Frye Melissa Riding Spur -you torture me.

Here. Look at it mocking me.

So yes. 3000 boots later and I haven't found one that tickles my fancy just as this one does. Or even a little less, to be honest. And I'm not sure what exactly makes me love this one so much above the rest. But something just fits me...and my foot. (I tried it on at Gravity Pope but it jumped $100 there compared to the WWW. Yikes!) I have exactly one week to decide.

What do I do?!?


  1. I have a rule... if I'm still thinking about it a week later, I revisit the idea of buying. Most often I'm not, which goes to show how much material things 'really' matter, but there is that small amount of time where it's still consuming my mind... which as far as I'm concerned means it's all encompassing love and it's okay to buy (except currently over a Burberry coat that exceeds $800 and at this point in my life there is just no justifying, but it doesn't mean I haven't slinked into Saks to try on and sigh over).
    So here's my argument for your boots (which I tried with the coat to no avail)... we don't even hesitate spending over a thousand dollars for a computer, but a couple hundred seems crazy for shoes. However, your boots will never become obsolete because of technology and you if you love them enough to wear them for years to come and then pass on to your adorable daughter (yup, I use that one a lot) then the couple hundred dollars suddenly seems worth it.
    It's probably a good thing we don't live close together, you and I could do some real damage out shopping...
    Oh Tarilyn how I love you! You're adorable with or without the boots. Reg

  2. tarilyn, sweet tarilyn, you have stolen my heart and you've stolen my cat.

    this is what i did when i was in this situation. the boots i wanted were about the same cost as our rent, but i still yearned...itched...and craved them like they would make my life complete. i ended up buying them for christmas. i've never been more happy about my choice because went went on..and the only thing that remained were my boots sitting perfectly and beautifully in my closet to this day. and yes, there probably the nicest things i own, but i wouldn't change them for anything. and i may or may not polish them still because there my favorite purchase. and this was 3 years ago.

    so my advice? get em...especially if your thinking about them enough to blog about them...i say absolutely get em.

  3. I say, see what santa has to bring in his sleigh.
