Tuesday, October 19, 2010


So here we are -blogging. I actually never thought I’d do it... But Matt begged and begged and started one and changed the “my” to “our” in the headline of his previous post. So I guess it’s both of ours? We kind of switch roles every now and then in our marriage. For instance: right now, he’s cooking dinner and I’m sitting here watching TV, belching and scratching my belly. We’re cute that way.

Here’s our little family!! It took us awhile to get cleaned up, but we managed. Thank goodness for photoshop and talented sister-in-laws


Charlie has been CRAZY lately! She’s just 8 months now and she’s crawling everywhere (Not just any crawl, a legit army crawl. In fact, the General Major of Canada’s army called today inquiring about her future. But it's all shh shh for now.) and climbing stairs and tearing things off the bookshelf, eating books, climbing up the couch onto the counter, counting by two’s and tying her shoes... It’s insane. But she is hilarious! ...Or as hilarious as a girl can

get without the ability to speak.

I tried painting her toe's today. I got her big toe done! And know when I say that, I mean that I painted her entire toe. I was bound to get the nail, right?? Anyways, I didn't get to finish. What daughter doesn't want matching toe nail polish as her mom?? She's nuts.

I’m not sure what else to write. I went to superstore today and they didn’t have the lights I wanted... Is that cool to blog about?


  1. hooray for caving into the blogging world! I'm glad you decided to blog because now my obsession can grow!

  2. this is absolutely fantastic. bless you both for creating a world changing blog.

  3. I am so glad you are a blogger now! And trust me, you will get addicted quickly. Especially now that you are taking a photography course you will feel the need to take way more pics than you do now and what better place to post them than your blog right? horray!
